We value a respectful and courteous work environment where everyone is treated with dignity and professionalism. We expect all our employees, contractors and customers to adhere to the following principles of politeness:

  • Always use respectful and appropriate language when communicating with customers, contractors and colleagues. Avoid any words or expressions that may be considered rude, offensive, discriminatory or abusive.
  • Always listen attentively and patiently to customers, contractors and colleagues. Do not interrupt, argue or dismiss their opinions or concerns. Try to understand their perspective and offer constructive feedback or solutions.
  • Always behave appropriately and professionally in the workplace. Do not engage in any actions or gestures that may be perceived as aggressive, threatening, harassing or disrespectful. Respect the personal space and privacy of others.

Any violation of this policy will be investigated and appropriate actions taken. We appreciate your cooperation and commitment to a polite and positive communications culture.