Complaints Procedure

Everyone at The Bedford Estates is committed to delivering very high levels of service to the Estate’s customers, either directly or via our agents and advisers. However, with the best will in the world, things do go wrong from time to time and when that happens we will do our utmost to put things right as quickly as possible.

Most problems that arise should be capable of resolution between the individuals concerned. However, if you feel that this has not happened satisfactorily and you wish to make a formal complaint, then you should please address this to me, in writing (letter or e-mail) and I will investigate.

I will acknowledge receipt of your complaint as soon as it reaches me and will let you have a full response within 10 working days. Your complaint will be considered fairly and objectively and I will tell you how I propose to resolve it.

In my experience, most difficulties can be successfully resolved informally, but this more formal procedure is available for those rare occasions when normal dialogue has failed to achieve a satisfactory outcome for all concerned.

Bedford Office, 29a Montague Street, London, WC1B 5BL